Welcome to

Box Code Academy

 Where Innovation Meets Education!

Who We Are

A passionate team have taken the initiative to join forces with schools in order to establish coding clubs. These clubs are created by utilizing school computer labs during weekends, and we effectively transform them into tech community hubs. Our overarching goal is nothing less than the delivery of comprehensive youth programming education that equips the young minds of today for the digital landscape of tomorrow.

Our commitment to this mission is reflected in the dedication of our instructors. Each member of our experienced and adept team is handpicked to ensure that they bring the perfect blend of expertise and passion to the forefront. They play a pivotal role in leading our students, guiding them through an interactive, well-designed, and proven curriculum. This approach empowers the upcoming innovators, developing their skills, fueling their creativity, and building the confidence needed to excel in the ever-evolving tech world. At Box Code Academy, we're not just teaching coding; we're inspiring the future tech leaders.

person using macbook pro on brown wooden table

Our Mission

Expanding the network of coding clubs through strategic partnerships with schools to provide quality coding education.

Our Vision

Providing diverse educational opportunities that enable students to craft their future through the world of coding and empowering them for success in a tech-driven world.

Our Values

  • Believing a culture of lifelong learning in a dynamic tech landscape.
  • Making coding education accessible for all backgrounds.
  • Promoting teamwork and problem-solving through collaboration.

Meeting Our Social Responsibility through Free Coding Clubs

From the perspective of our social responsibilities, we initiated our first social initiative "Ruwwad Coding Club". 
In collaboration with the Ruwwad Al-Tanmeya Foundation in East Amman, this club has played a significant role in providing free coding education to students. What's truly inspiring is how our remarkable students have not only excelled academically but have also crafted their own success stories.

Furthermore, our active participation in coding competitions has seen our outstanding students outperform their peers, reconfirming the positive impact of our educational efforts. We take pride in the achievements of this club and remain committed to providing the best.

Our Story

The Kickoff

The journey began with intensive brainstorming, focusing on essential topics to craft an engaging, interactive, and enjoyable educational plan.

2021 - 2022
First Steps

With great pride, we initiated our first coding club in collaboration with the Ruwwad Al-Tanmeya Foundation., This marked the beginning of an inspiring journey for both our team and the students.

First Award

Celebrating a significant milestone, our exceptional students ranked among the top 10 performers in the Arab world.

Sustained Excellence

Our students maintained their remarkable performance, securing a place in the top 10 for the second year in a row. This pivotal year saw continuous improvement in our educational approach and teaching methods, solidifying our commitment to providing exceptional learning experiences.

Our Awards